Barney suggests that we cut down on presents next year. I will give him Symphony nuts and he will give me Lyndor chocolates.
Tuesday, December 24, 2024
Christmas Eve on Ridgeland Road
Sunday, January 7, 2024
JanuMerry 2024
Kelly and Rodney made it to St. Joseph at 12:50 but the last of the Kansas contingent didn't arrive until after 6 pm. Visits to Pudgie were made during the interval.
Seven adults and three children created a lively atmosphere and we enjoyed having the young ones to help hand out presents. Riley took his job very seriously, making sure he was delivering gifts to the right people. Best Gift Award goes to Kelly for Barbie dolls to Kaya and Nerf Blasters to Cameron. (Andrew especially enjoyed seeing how far he could fire the Nerf balls.)
I got everything I wanted because I had added my own Wish List to Kelly and Rodney's Amazon account. But I was surprised by the air fryer that wasn't on my list.
After opening presents, we had dinner....the usual...ribs, turkey sliders, ham/cheese buns and various sides. Because of the expanded family this year (Andrew's Misti and her two children), I purchased a card table the day before and set up additional seating.
Kelly, Rodney and I waved good-bye to Andrew, Adam and their families then settled in for some conversation before bedtime. (Kelly and I finished the Irish Creme left over from Christmas 2022.)